Friday, June 1, 2012

Happy Friday!!! 10 weeks to go!!!

I always said I would never be one of those pregnant women that looked miserable and dressed a mess just because they had an excuse. I think it’s important, no matter how BIG I get, to still do whatever I can to try and dress nicely. As long as I keep my hair looking decent and dress respectfully, I've fulfilled that task. Also, one’s attitude plays a significant role.

Have you always noticed several pregnant women that just complain ALL the darn time! "Oh, my back hurts....I'm feet, my neck, everything just hurts!!!" Well, granted, I am undergoing several aliments from time to time, you would never know it! I always keep a smile on my face and try to at least not look (miserable) when I sometimes feel (miserable).

With all that being said, our attitudes and our appearance are key in feeling good about one self! I'm happy in my skin and happy to be pregnant with the excited of Baby King on the way!
10 weeks and counting!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You sure do girl, you're glowing more and more every week! :-)
