Dear Baby!

Dear Baby section of our blog is really for Baby King…

Have you ever seen the new Google Chrome commercial where the dad writes letters to his newbord daughter (Sophie). It’s random letters of his thoughts/feelings/love for his beautiful daughter. He continues to write letters to her in hopes of giving her the collection when she reaches a certain age? ***Tear*** I totally choke up when I see this commercial. One of the most touching marketing tactics EVER! So, with that being said, mommy (Victoria) and daddy (Jermaine) have devoted this section for Dear Baby letters to little baby J.

Log Date: Friday, June 22, 2012

Hi baby girl,
We are so excited about your arrival. We cannot express how much you’ve already touched and changed our lives.  We continue to pray everyday for your safe arrival. Take your time cooking up in mommies tummy so that you are super healthy for us!

Loving you more than you know,
Mommy & Daddy

                                                 Log Date: Monday, April 2, 2012
Pregnancy cravings are sooooo TRUE! It’s not a FABLE people!!!
 So, with that being said, this section of letters to baby king is for her to know what foods I all of a sudden LOVE (yes, very weird!)

When I see these things, I now think of you:

Ethopian Food:
Don't ask! Its just Yummy to me right now!

White Cheddar popcorn:
Well, this was a craving before pregnancy and even more after!!!
 Strawberry Poptarts
New craving alert

Meatball Sub from Subway
Before I could never stand the smell of Subway, I LOVE the meatball sub and
YES, even with CHEESE!!!